Beginner - 5 km - 1 hour
- Departure: Houle parking lot
- Aiguille
- Ficelle
Beginner long -18 km -1 hour 45 minutes +
- Departure: Houle parking lot
- Aiguille
- Ficelle
- Bobine
- Rembobine
- Bobine
Intermediate -18 km – 2 hours 30 minutes +
- Departure: Houle parking lot
- Aiguille
- Héritage
- Ch Tilly’s turnpike (à droite)
- Chainon Manquant
- Indian Stream
- Panache (a Droite)
- Ch Castor
- Ficelle
Intermediate long - 32 km – 4 hours+
- Departure: Village
- La Grange
- Rembobine
- Bobine
- Aiguille
- Héritage
- Ch Tilly’s turnpike (à droite)
- Chainon Manquant
- Indian Stream
- Panache (to the right)
- Ch Castor
- Ficelle
- Bobine
- La Grange
Expert - 38 km – 5 hours +
- Departure: Village
- La Grange
- Rembobine
- Bobine
- Aiguille
- Héritage
- Ch Tilly’s turnpike (to the right)
- Valse du diable
- 50 Pesos
- Chainon Manquant
- Indian Stream
- Panache (to the right)
- Ch Castor
- Ficelle
- Bobine
- La Grange
The Total - 45 km – 6 hours+
- Departure: Village
- La Grange
- Rembobine
- Bobine
- Aiguille
- Héritage
- Ch Tilly’s turnpike (to the right)
- Sommet via Roche Voisin
- Maitrise (noir- diamant) ou roche voisine en redescendant (bleu)
- Valse du diable
- 50 Pesos
- Chainon Manquant
- Indian Stream
- Panache (to the right)
- Ch Castor
- Ficelle
- Bobine
- La Grange
Bike departure point
Choosing the right bike departure point and parking …
Departure from the Village
This option requires you to start your bike ride with a sustained 40-60 minute climb to the Houle parking lot. You need to be in good or excellent physical shape to enjoy this starting point. Not recommended for children.
Departure from Chemin Houle parking lot
This parking lot is very popular as a starting point for beginner and intermediate cyclists, or for those who enjoy less uphill riding. Located at the heart of the network, this parking lot offers several types of loops for all levels of cyclist.
Departure from Chemin Lépine parking lot
This departure point is used to get quickly to the trails at the summit of Mont Hereford, where you’ll find the more advanced Enduro trails. This parking lot eliminates the need for a shuttle to reach the summit.
Departure from the parking lot at the summit of Mont Hereford
Starting point for direct access to the Enduro downhill trails. It is possible to do a shuttle, leaving a second vehicle in one of the three other parking lots.